Lights. Cameras. Canines. [VIDEO]
March 03, 2011 15:08:45

We're all dog people at Microdry. Everyday there's at least one pooch running through our halls.

The Academy Awards Red Carpet: Great for Glamour, Tough on the Feet
February 28, 2011 16:09:11

While everyone else was focused on the dresses, we at Microdry were looking at the shoes.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie . . . Comfortably
February 28, 2011 16:01:49

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie . . . Comfortably

There’s entire library wings filled with suggestions on how much sleep humans need, but what about dogs? How much sleep do they need?

Microdry's Top Dog
February 28, 2011 15:45:00

With the Westminster Dog show well under way, we thought we’d introduce you to our new breed of executive. Buddy is a the best friend of Iain Scorgie, President, CEO & Founder of Microdry’s parent company MindsInSync.

Buddy Salutes Hickory!
February 28, 2011 15:44:18


Congratulations to Hickory, the winner of Best In Show honors at the 2011 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

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