What's the Best Way to Dry Your Skin?
November 12, 2010 00:00:00

The Answer is pat

We've all done it: Stepped out of the shower, grabbed a chunky towel, and rubbed hard to dry off. If your skin could talk, this process would make it scream.


Rubbing your skin with even the softest towel is abrasive and results in depleting natural moisture. Ask a beautician or dermatologist, and they'll tell you the best way to dry your skin is to pat it gently. Easy enough, but because most towels aren't fast to absorb water, you could spend all day patting your pores.


The Microdry Ultimate Luxury Performance Towel was built to pat. Made from the super-soft and ultra-gentle Microdry fabric, it's able to absorb water twice as fast as other materials while still remaining lush and comfortable to the touch. So you can dry by patting in a flash. In the grooming world, the Microdry Performance Towel is the quicker, picker-upper!


Available exclusively at Bed Bath and Beyond both online and in limited stores